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Top 10 Must-Try Cigars for 2024

Top 10 Must-Try Cigars for 2024

In 2024, cigar enthusiasts have much to look forward to with a selection that spans both timeless classics and intriguing new entrants. Here’s an updated list of ten cigars that you should consider trying in the coming year, featuring premium selections from esteemed brands like Davidoff, Arturo Fuente, and My Father Cigars, along with exclusive offerings from Cigar Towns.

1. God of Fire Serie B

Known for its bold flavors and expert craftsmanship, the God of Fire Serie B delivers a complex blend of spice, leather, and chocolate notes, making it a top pick for those seeking a robust smoking experience. Available here

2. Davidoff Maduro

The Davidoff Maduro offers a rich, luxurious smoke with velvety smooth chocolate and coffee notes underpinned by a robust tobacco core. This cigar is perfect for those who appreciate depth and complexity in their smoke. Explore Davidoff Maduro

3. Arturo Fuente Don Carlos

This cigar honors Don Carlos Fuente Sr., reflecting the artistry of the Fuente family with its rich flavor profile that includes a hint of sweetness and notes of spice and coffee. It's perfect for an evening of refined relaxation. Check out Don Carlo The Man

4. My Father Le Bijou 1922

The My Father Le Bijou 1922 is a jewel of a cigar, boasting a full-bodied profile with layers of coffee, leather, and chocolate, topped with a peppery finish. It's a complex smoke favored by experienced aficionados. Discover here

5. Fuente Fuente Opus X The Lost City

A rarity in the cigar world, the Opus X The Lost City features a unique blend of spices and fruit with a smooth floral aroma. It's a luxurious choice that epitomizes cigar craftsmanship. View Opus X The Lost City

6. Cigar Towns Tootsie

Exclusive to Cigar Towns, the Tootsie is a visually striking barber pole cigar with a blend of sweetness and spice, making it a delightful medium-bodied option. Get it here

7. Plasencia Alma Fuerte

This bold, robust cigar from Plasencia is made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco and offers deep flavors of chocolate, plum, and coffee. It's richly satisfying and perfect for a leisurely smoke. Plasencia Alma Fuerte

8. Cohiba Silencio

Replacing the Cohiba Behike, the Cohiba Silencio still delivers an extraordinary smoking experience with its exclusive blend, offering complexity and a velvety-smooth finish. Explore Cohiba Silencio

9. Montecristo Classic El Condo

The Montecristo Classic El Condo provides a harmonious balance and deep flavors with notes of toasted nuts, cocoa, and a subtle citrus finish, perfect for those who enjoy a classic, well-rounded smoke. Montecristo Classic El Condo

10. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series

Celebrated for its smoothness and complex flavor profile, the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series offers a luxurious blend of cocoa, coffee, and earthy notes, wrapped in a beautifully aged Nicaraguan leaf. Padrón 1964


These ten cigars for 2024 offer a variety of experiences from silky smooth to rich and robust, each with its unique flair and story. This selection is designed to cater to varied palates and preferences, enriching your smoking experience with every puff. Whether enjoying a quiet moment or celebrating with friends, these cigars are sure to make any occasion extraordinary.