Cohiba Royale
The artisans at Cohiba present, Royale, the epitome of luxury, an experience for those with extravagant tastes who only demand the finest. For this cigar, the craftsmen begin with the finest Nicaraguan broadleaf wrapper. It’s rich, oily, and pure perfection. Next, the Nicaraguan wrapper is meticulously blended with full-bodied and sophisticated Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos. Each tobacco leaf in this cigar is aged for up to 5-6 years. Royale offers a luxurious cigar smoking experience that will have you coming back for more!
For a limited time only, buy any 10ct box of Cohiba Royale & receive a Free Cohiba lighter OR cutter worth value ($150), on us! Buy any 20ct box & receive a Free Cohiba Lighter and Cutter! While supplies last!!