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Cigar Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts of Smoking
Cigar smoking is not just a hobby; it's a culture rich with traditions and unspoken rules. Whether you're at a social gathering, a cigar club, or a special event, understanding and adhering to proper cigar etiquette can enhance your experience and show respect to fellow enthusiasts. Here's a guide to the essential do's and don'ts of cigar smoking etiquette. Do: Choose the Right Moment and Setting Select Appropriate Venues: Only smoke in places where it is clearly acceptable to do so. Cigar-friendly bars, lounges, and private smoking areas are ideal. Respect Non-Smokers: Always be considerate of those around you who...
Top 10 Must-Try Cigars for 2024
In 2024, cigar enthusiasts have much to look forward to with a selection that spans both timeless classics and intriguing new entrants. Here’s an updated list of ten cigars that you should consider trying in the coming year, featuring premium selections from esteemed brands like Davidoff, Arturo Fuente, and My Father Cigars, along with exclusive offerings from Cigar Towns. 1. God of Fire Serie B Known for its bold flavors and expert craftsmanship, the God of Fire Serie B delivers a complex blend of spice, leather, and chocolate notes, making it a top pick for those seeking a robust smoking...
God of Fire Serie B
It's no secret that God of Fire cigars are one of the best, but what makes them the best is consistency. Only the best of cigars make it through, and that's exactly what they've done yet again. The new serie b line does not fall short of excellence and is now available in store. This highly limited line is a collection of dark-wrapper cigars that steps up the flavor while remaining easy and smooth. The Serie B cigars have a rich, chocolaty and fruity tones, hands down my favorite cigar i've had so far and dare i even say the best...
The artisans at Cohiba present, Royale, the epitome of luxury, an experience for those with extravagant tastes who only demand the finest. For this cigar, the craftsmen begin with the finest Nicaraguan broadleaf wrapper. It’s rich, oily, and pure perfection. Next, the Nicaraguan wrapper is meticulously blended with full-bodied and sophisticated Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos. Finally, it’s all brought together by the binder, an exquisite Piloto Cubano tobacco that culminates in the most finely-tuned smoking experience Cohiba has ever created. WRAPPER:Nicaraguan broadleaf BINDER:Piloto Cubano FILLER:Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran
Rocky Patel Humidor Raffle Winner
Congratulations to Melvin Bivens the WINNER of this gorgeous humidor in our Rocky Patel Cigars Raffle. Stay tuned for our next event , you might be the lucky winner!